It's out! —The Prime Guide For Next Gen Developer🤩

It's out! —The Prime Guide For Next Gen Developer🤩


Hello Everyone! — My new book Prime Guide is now available for pre-order so I wanted you to be the first to know about my new book that will help you level-up in 2021.

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As some of you already know my mission to help 5K+ software developers by end of 2021, In which I already cross 600+ now. I am very grateful that my experience is coming in handy for many out there.

This is an exclusive summary of my 10+ years of experience in tech. I will show you exactly what strategy, formulas & experience I came to know during the last 10 years, which allows me to live on my own terms, in a sustainable way, and without over working.

The book is everything you need in a typical career path of a software engineer or developer, from starting at a company as a fresher or new grad to senior software engineer.

It summarizes what I learned while being a software developer and how I mentored software engineers/developers at different stages in their careers over the last couple of years.

As a senior software engineer, I mentored dozens of software engineers, helping people level up faster. However, I still did not have a single book to recommend, which would recap the type of advice I found myself repeating.

I want to be honest with you: you will not get an overnight upgrade.

Growing and becoming better takes time, effort, dedication, and discipline, as well as reframing into a growth mindset.

You can pre-order the book here: The Prime Guide

With this link, you can get the book today for just $15.

The price goes up to $39 when it launches.

Still not convinced so let me make a deal with you...

If you choose to buy "The Prime Guide For Next-Gen Developer" today

On release day when you will read & like the book.

Send me a written recommendation for it and I'll refund you $5.

And if you send me a video testimonial, I'll refund you a whopping $10!

Does this sound good?

Here is the link again for Pre-order: The Prime Guide


Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions about the book!

Stay awesome,

Cheers ​ ​- Ankur Tyagi

Your Mentor, Coach.

Creator of CLF and WETESTERR

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