2-1-1 Friday Newsletter: On Learning Methods, Balance, Resolutions & Diet.

2-1-1 Friday Newsletter: On Learning Methods, Balance, Resolutions & Diet.

2-1-1 Friday From CODE LIFE FITNESS


May every day of 2021 inspire you to grow!

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

In this edition of CodeLifeFitness, I talk about Learning Methods, Balance, Resolutions & Diet.

2-1-1 Friday newsletter now goes out to 600+ people (wow!).

Every week, I get close to 60+ responses and yes, I read all of them & reply. Trust me.

For e.g. newsletter-repll.JPG

You can ask any question whatever you have in your mind, I will try my level best to mentor you.

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Let's get started :)


Find your method of learning!

We all learn in different ways. Some retain information best when they're writing code. Others learn best by reading or watching videos.

I prefer to watch online tutorials and read the documentation in order to fill in the gaps.

I'm not the kind of person who can just start a sandbox application and code away. I like to follow a guided tutorial and then expand upon the ideas.

Find your method of learning. Try out different resources and platforms.

Once you find your learning method, you'll find that you learn much more efficiently.

My Coding approach:

I rarely code perfectly in one go. To achieve clean code, I refactor my code, test, discuss with my mentors/peers. Then again I refactor, refactor & keep the best one. It’s slow sometimes but definitely worth it!

Balance theory with practicality

In order to become an effective programmer, you must understand the theory behind certain paradigms (to a certain extent).

For example, if you want to understand why a nested for-loop is not as performant as two for-loops within the same scope, you need to understand Big-O notation.

We live in an age where you don't need a Computer Science degree to succeed in the tech industry. That being said, some of the concepts taught within a CS degree are extremely valuable (i.e. algorithms, run-time analysis, etc.).

You don't need to learn all of the computer science theory, but you should understand the theory of why one solution is better than another.


Don't set resolutions this year. Instead, set habits in 2021

The thing with the resolution is - we have no basis for setting them. Most resolutions are what we want in life. And that doesn't mean they are what we should go after, or what we can even get. So when we hit those resolutions, we feel great about ourselves. And when we don't, we feel like the biggest losers.

Both these sentiments are not true! Because we don't know if we set the right resolution in the first place or not!

Instead, set/look for daily habits.

Things that you do every day, every week, every month, every year. In a disciplined way.

PS: This is a small summary of one of the best books I read last year - Atomic Habits, by James Clear.

If you want to read just one book in 2021. Go for it.


Do you plan your meals? If yes How: If No why?

you can answer by simply reply to my email with your choice.

I read all my emails, trust me!

That's it for today, the more I know about what you read & want, the easier I can help you do that. If you enjoyed this, please comment & let me know:

  • You care about a topic you'd like to see covered.

  • You just want to say hello👋

Where to get more. if you want to get helpful tips that sharpen your mind & help you perform better then you can follow me on Twitter.

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